Réseau de chercheurs

Réseau de chercheurs

foodXPtools aims to contribute to providing researchers with adequate tools to meet the future challenges posed by food transitions such as those defined by the fourth “Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir” or the “Ferments du futur”. One of the ambitions of this project is to create a national network, to bring together scientific communities and to develop new joint activities to strengthen national links and collaborations. Both platforms aim to study consumer behaviour with different and complementary approaches. It is crucial to link up with other platforms and initiatives that have close and complementary interests. This makes it possible to share potential commonalities and leverage new uses beyond the primary target of each platform alone. WP3 will facilitate the interactions between research stakeholders. The project foresees the organisation of one meeting per year and one researcher school.

Here are some examples of such interactions that could take place in the near future.

  • Other experimental restaurants, kitchen or cafeteria (AgroParisTech, L’Institut Agro Dijon, L’institut Agro Rennes, Institut Paul Bocuse, CRNH Rhone-Alpes or CRNH Auvergne). The smartphone app could be used to collect data at home that will complete the data collected in restaurants or other places.
  • Living labs (Part’Age, UMR SayFood) and Consumers Panels (the French Gut, MICALIS, Paris Saclay). foodXPtools will provide new ways to complete biological measures (e.g. microbiote markers) with food behaviour data.
  • Database (ODALIM, ANSES). More thought needs to be given to interoperability between different food data sources, including foodXPtools.
  • Such complementary approaches will allow for a more holistic approach to food transition issues. Besides, foodXPtools will make consumers’ research data FAIR. The data collected will be structured and standardized using an ontology, then aggregated in a public database available to the entire community.